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Financial strategy, performance measurement and growth

When you work with us, you’ll gain access to a range of financial consulting services focusing on building capacity, assisting you to develop financial strategies and with processes to measure performance.

How Morrison Low can assist you with financial consulting:


  • Gain the support of a team of trained accountants, financial consultants, economists and finance managers to address complex problems and to develop practical robust solutions
  • Access our experience in helping councils to develop strategic financial planning frameworks and long-term financial strategies
  • Gain strategic tools to quantify council strategies and model alternative scenarios to assist short, medium and long-term decision making
  • Develop strategies to achieve both financial and non-financial measurement frameworks and underlying performance management systems, which also address social, cultural and environmental outcomes
  • Gain expert assistance with developing rating and funding strategies, financial policy reviews and financial and economic analyses for business cases. We can also help you review the effectiveness of finance and other corporate support departments and in service pricing strategies
  • A well developed methodology and tools to model the costs and benefits of mergers
  • Economic analysis and business case development to support grant applications and decision making

Business Cases


Good investment decisions and government funding requirements balance the output of robust financial and economic analysis with the strategic vision of the organisation and the community it represents.  Our multidisciplinary team will work collaboratively with you and your stakeholders to develop an accurate, comprehensive and compelling business case. 


  • Undertake project cost benefit analysis to demonstrate investment return, analysing project costs and benefits across a project’s lifecycle and calculating realistic benefit cost ratios that comply with relevant Treasury guidelines
  • Assess wider economic and social impacts of projects to demonstrate their suitability for external funding and prioritise internal capital works and service delivery programs
  • Identify project risks, strategic alignment and management issues and work with Council staff and other stakeholders to enhance project deliverability
  • Ensure that business cases and funding applications meet government requirements for economic analysis and funding program requirements
  • Engage with the community and elected representatives where needed to consider and evaluate project options and merits

New Zealand

  • Develop the full suite of Better Business Case deliverables through our team of Better Business Case Practitioners, supported by our strategy, economic, financial and project management specialists
  • Tailor business case development to suit your specific project and internal decision making processes, taking account of work done to date. Our aim is to match the effort to the impact of the decision and to alert you to flaws immediately to avoid abortive work.
  • Incorporate community and political views – recognising that the option that optimises value for money is often not the least cost option
  • Leverage our extensive network of subject matter experts – whether this is in the area of economics, water infrastructure, asset management or shared services/CCO establishment - to make sure that the business case addresses the critical issues that will allow the project to generate the anticipated benefits

Across New Zealand and Australia, Morrison Low can provide follow-up assistance with procurement, negotiations, governance, reorganisation or community consultation if required to allow end to end delivery of the project.