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  2. Building Asset Management Champions in the Health Sector

Building Asset Management Champions in the Health Sector


Christchurch, Wellington and Auckland


Ministry of Health

cushla and helen2

Morrison Low conducted an independent assessment on whether a national asset register was feasible as part of the National Asset Management Plan project for the Ministry of Health. As part of that assessment we identified some areas that could be strengthened in the health sector including raising asset management maturity and building sector capability.

Working with Ministry of Health’s key managers, we facilitated a series of targeted asset management training sessions throughout New Zealand for District Health Boards’ (DHB) senior managers and asset managers. The training sessions started with the DHBs’ Chief Financial Officers on 28 February 2019. Full one-day sessions were rolled out over four days in April 2019, located in Christchurch, Wellington and Auckland. There was a great response from the health sector with 63 attending the full day sessions from 17 DHBs, healthAlliance and Ministry of Health.

The workshops were interactive and designed to be a mix of sharing the results of the review, developing a common understanding of asset management for the health sector, with practical tools for participants to take back to their DHBs. It included practical examples from other sectors and group work sessions on specific asset management elements such as levels of service and financial forecasting.

Many of the participants found the sessions helpful in demystifying asset management as well as providing an opportunity to share and connect with their colleagues from other DHBs. It also provided them with simple training takeaways and tools, and confidence to be the asset management champion back in their DHB. This will help lift asset management maturity in their DHB and the health sector nationally.


Project contact: Cushla Anich and Helen Ramsey