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  2. Strategic Asset Management Plans

Strategic Asset Management Plans


New South Wales


Goulburn Mulwaree Council


Strategic asset management plans state the approach to implementing the principles and objectives set out in a council’s asset management policy. They include specific requirements to outline the processes, resources, structures, roles and responsibilities necessary to establish and maintain the asset management system. Development of asset management plans for council infrastructure assets is a mandatory requirement for NSW local governments.


In May 2019, Morrison Low commenced work on developing ten-year asset management plans and an overarching asset management strategy for Goulburn Mulwaree Council, in accordance with IIMM and IPWEA NAMS guidelines. The strategy and plans would cover Council’s buildings, roads infrastructure, stormwater, parks infrastructure, water and wastewater assets.


The development process began with Morrison Low updating Goulburn Mulwaree’s asset financial forecasts by asset category. Morrison Low prepared 10-year expenditure forecasts modelling the local government infrastructure ratios including estimates of actual and required maintenance and projected asset backlog. The financial modelling was then workshopped with staff to ensure that everyone understood its implications. Once the financial forecasts had been developed and agreed, the Morrison Low team could then move on to forming the strategy and plans for each asset class, using a staged approach to specifically target each asset category separately, as well as address the issues unique to the category under review.


Morrison Low collected key inputs from Council for the asset management plans, including asset valuations, asset attributes, actual expenditure, planned financial forecasts, identified capital improvements and latest usage performance information. This information was analysed so that an improvement program could be developed to target weaknesses or gaps that had been identified. Morrison Low also assisted in the development of asset-based service levels, through the review of Council’s integrated planning and reporting documentation and consideration of the issues that were important to the community in the delivery of asset-based services.


The first drafts of the asset management strategy and plans were completed by Morrison Low, utilising key information and analysis identified, as well as an overarching improvement plan which was developed for inclusion in the final asset management plans. A workshop was then undertaken for the drafts to be reviewed and feedback gathered from Council staff, which was incorporated ready for senior management review and edits before the finalisation of the completed strategy and plans.


Morrison Low’s development of the strategic asset management plans for Goulburn Mulwaree Council highlighted major issues which needed to be addressed for each of the asset classes over the next 10 years. The strategy also highlighted the necessary actions for Council to help close the gap between current asset management practice and move towards a ‘best appropriate practice’ position in the future.


For further information contact Tim McCarthy.