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  2. Waste

Independent, effective solutions for waste management

The waste management field is a complex area with a myriad of legislative requirements and increasing expectations from the public to pursue waste minimisation options. These considerations need to be balanced against the associated costs and risks. We can optimise your approach to waste management with robust long-term strategies, infrastructure development, procurement and implementation of waste services.


Morrison Low’s waste experience is based on practical working knowledge of sites, facilities and services in operation rather than theoretical desktop exercises. Our team has extensive operational experience in all facets of waste management services in New Zealand and Australia, allowing us to support our clients with practical improvements within the realities of the industry.


We understand councils and what it takes to deliver waste services in their communities. We know from our observations what works and what works well.


1        Strategy and Planning


  • Waste Assessments, Waste Management and Minimisation Plans, Waste Strategies.
  • Solid Waste Asset Management Plans.
  • Disaster and Emergency Waste Management Plans.
  • Waste Management and Minimisation Bylaws.
  • Service and operational reviews, including IPART and Section 17A reviews.
  • Advisory services and additional resources for strategic or operational work.


2        Options Assessment, Feasibility Studies and Business Cases


  • Options assessment, feasibility studies and business cases for programmes or projects, including simplified single stage approaches through to full Better Business Cases.
  • Financial models and economic analysis to support decision making.
  • Options assessment, feasibility studies and business cases for programmes or projects, including simplified single stage approaches through to full Better Business Cases.
  • Financial models and economic analysis to support decision making.


3        Procurement and Contracts


  • Procurement strategies and advice on contractual frameworks.
  • Procurement document development for collection services, waste facilities and professional services.
  • Tendering and evaluation.
  • Contract management and engineer to contract.
  • Joint procurement and shared delivery arrangements.
  • Establishing governance structures.


Contact our waste services lead Alice Grace